
Academic Professional Development

  • Assist with the scheduling and other logistics required for visiting consultants, PD days, PD events hosted by the school, internal PD meetings and retreats.
  • Manage the professional learning application form process
  • Keep an up-to-date record of PD spendings by division/department.
  • Coordinate group PD including communication to group members and access to online registration systems.

Academic Budget Management

  • Assist members of the academic team raise OPEX and CAPEX POs
  • Keep a spreadsheet to record and manage spendings
  • Manage membership renewals and access

IB Authorisation and WASC Accreditation

  • Oversee the scheduling and other logistics required for IB/WASC site visitors.
  • Oversee the preparation and submission of preliminary documents

CPE – Edutrust Quality Assurance

  • Collaborate with DHoS to prepare the monthly Academic Board (AB) agenda, including managing the process of document review and comment.
  • Maintain up-to-date records of Change to Student Course/Programme, Change of Student Records, Grade Transfers and Counselled withdrawals for the AB.
  • Collaborate with HoS to prepare the agenda and documents for the Management Team (MT) meetings
  • Take meeting notes during AB and MT meetings including what has been approved, what needs further work, pertinent discussions, and next steps.
  • Ensure that approved documents are appropriately labeled and tracked.
  • Ensure that approved policies and procedures are appropriately disseminated and shared.
  • Assist with the scheduling and other logistics required for CPE site visitors.
  • Assist the Management Team representative in preparing materials for external audit.
  • Assist with internal audit, internal assessment and internal review process.
  • Oversee the review of the Procedures Policy Manual (PPM)


  • Prior experience working in an educational setting. Private Educational Institution (PEI) environment preferred.
  • ISO 9001 training certification
  • Competent working with technology tools, in particular, Google Suite applications (Docs, Sheets, Calendar, Gmail, Forms)
  • Ability to use information management systems competently for data entry and analysis
  • Culturally competent, able to work with culturally diverse staff.
  • An effective communicator (oral and written) and good listener.
  • A lifelong learner who is curious and keen to learn new things.
  • A solution oriented problem solver.
  • A flexible worker who can multitask and pivot at short notice.
  • A motivated self-starter who is able to prioritize and manage time effectively.
  • A producer who is results and detail oriented and has a strong sense of accountability.
  • A trustworthy colleague, who is reliable and honest.
  • A collaborator who can bring people together to accomplish tasks.
  • A highly effective organiser.

EA Licence No: 22C1055

EA Personnel Registration No: R2095104